
Monday, 8 December 2014

My Results FOR Typing TEST

I don't think I am getting higher compared to my other score. 
Monday 8th December 2014

Friday, 5 December 2014

My trip to Sylvia Park Manaikalani Film Festival

Sylvia Park Film Festival Trip  

On a cloudy day St Pius went to the 7th annual Manaiakalani Film Festival at Sylvia Park Hoyts Cinemas to watch some movies that were made by different schools.   
The first thing we did was when the bell rang we lined up in our school hall. After that we had to find our soul friends so we could sit next to them on the bus. It was very noisy when we left school. Some of us were laughing really loudly and the other half of room 5 were talking.   

It was raining when we were on our way to Sylvia Park.The bus trip through the tunnel was very fascinating because the lights were very colourful. When we arrived at Sylvia Park we saw half of our school waiting for us so we could go into the cinemas. Our whole school had to line up with our soul friends into two long lines. We were walking past all of these  shops. The shop that I went pass was SMIGGLE. I like that shop because it has colourful watches and nice smelling rubbers which smell like strawberry. Then we had to go on the escalator so we could go upstairs to the cinemas. Then we got to the cinema.     

We had to wait for our class to be called in. We followed the other classes to our seats.The chairs were very comfortable. We saw lots of teachers some principals and students from other schools.They were wearing different coloured uniforms.The screen was enormous. When we found our seats we had to wait until one of the principals from one of the schools said the rules when the presenters presented there movies. Then the movies started. When the lights went off it was pitch black.                 

The first movie we watched was Islands by  our school, St Pius.When we saw the presenter for our school who was Deja we were cheering and clapping for our school.Some of us were whistling as well. I like that movie because it had my friend in the movie and it had really catchy music in it. Then there were three other movies that we watched. They were kind of funny, but there was one movie that cracked me up the most. It was called Hunger Games by Tamaki College. That was one of my favourite movies.I liked that movie because it had one of my favorite songs in it. My favourite part in that movie was when the boy got tangled up in his headphones, it was really funny.    

Next was another movie that also made me laugh. It was called Me T.V. It was by Point England Primary.I also liked this movie because there were cool dance moves in it.  My favourite part in that movie was when the kids got teleported into the T.V. Our eyes were glued to the cinema screen. We couldn’t stop watching the movies. After two other movies it was our school again. Our movie was called Pay Attention by St Pius. Then after 10 minutes we had to leave the cinemas because we saw all of the movies. All of St Pius were proud of our movies.                   

After that we had to get  into two long lines again. We had to wait for our bus but then it started raining,so we had to go under shelter to keep dry. Most of the school got soaking wet. After about 10 minutes our bus arrived. Then our bus parked and waited for all of room 5 and our soul friends to get on the bus, and we all got on. The whole school had fun in the cinemas. We could hardly open our eyes , but most of us still had some energy for us to talk. Some of us were having fun on the bus but not for our teacher Mrs Middleton. She found it really noisy because the kids who were at the back of the bus kept on laughing and talking very loud. When we were on the bus back to school half of our class were sleeping and the other half of our class were talking.  

Then we reached school.         
When we got out of the bus some of us were really exhausted and sleepy.We walked really slow because we could hardly feel our legs.  We also said thank you to the bus driver. Then we got back to class got our bags then went home. I hope I can go back to the Manaiakalani Film Festival next year.  


This is my highest score on this typing test. I am so proud of myself. :) 
Friday 5th December 2014

Monday, 1 December 2014


This is the same score I got for Friday. That means I need to get faster. 
Monday 1st December 2014

Friday, 28 November 2014


I am getting really fast now. I think I have achieved my goal of getting my high score on this new site. I am getting use to it now. 
Friday 28th November 2014 

Monday, 24 November 2014


I kind of got the same score on 10 Fast and Fingers but this is on a new typing site. 
Monday 24th November 2014

Friday, 21 November 2014

My results for TYPING SPEED TEST

This is a new typing site that my Teacher showed us I am not use to it but I will get the hang of it soon when I am use to it.

My results for 10 Fast Fingers

Compared from all of my other scores these are one of them again! 
Friday 21st November 2014

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Story Web: Bart and Orville

Today we have been doing a story web about Bart and Orville. We did this so we could understand other books and when people ask us really good questions we can answer them  with really good answers.

Monday, 17 November 2014

My results for 10 FAST FINGERS

I know I already got this score but at least I got quicker. 
Monday 17th November 2014

Friday, 14 November 2014

My Results For 10 Fast Fingers

I am getting a bit slower. 
Friday 14th November 2014

Monday, 10 November 2014


I am very behind from my other posts. 
Monday 10th November

Friday, 7 November 2014

My results for 10 fast fingers


I just got one number higher than my last 10 fast fingers results. 
Friday 7th of November

Monday, 3 November 2014

Thursday, 30 October 2014

My post to Petra-Rose



I wanted to comment on Petra-Rose's writing because I got interested on all the different things she did at Taekwondo. I really enjoyed reading her writing.   

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Trip to Ambury Farm

At the farm we saw lot's of different animals like Pigs, Chickens, Goats, Sheep, Lambs, Peacock, Cows and Ducks.      
I felt very excited because it was the first time I have ever been to a farm.  
Term 3 Friday 15 of August 2014. It was in the morning, 9:00am.
We went to the farm because at school our topic was milk, we wanted to learn more things about the cows and also we wanted to see other animals that made milk to.
 Our class and room 6 and 7 got to feed the baby lambs.
We got to see a cow and feel it while it was getting milked by this machine that sucks the milk out of the cows udders.            

Friday, 26 September 2014

Weird things that people do on their birthdays.

Lenleigh 15/9/2014
Weird things to do on peoples
Kia ora, Talofa Lava ,Malo Lelei, ,and greetings to you all ,,my name is Lenleigh and today my  speech is about weird things that people do on their birthdays. If you could do anything on your Birthday what would it be? Would it be bungee jumping off the tallest bridge in the world? Would it be Parachuting out of a plane? Or would it be going into the lions cage at the zoo and start wrestling it?

I know that if I went to wrestle that lion in the zoo I would definitely lose but if I am going to win I will need all of my friends.We would have lots of fun but not for the lion. He would be scared of sus, but then we would be scared of the lion because he might eat us. You would not like to be us if you were wrestling it.

Imagine if you could bring a pet penguin and put it in your bathroom full of ice. Then bring that penguin outside and teach it how to sing wait, but first I need to tell you I am a very bad singer you are going to have to block your ears.

If you could  do other weird things on your birthday what would it be? For example if you are a little kid you could drive a car to wellington, just joking, or you could go to the movies and start shouting out crazy words. Like the elephant is standing on top of the moon in its pajamas! That would be very funny if it was in real life.

You could go to the art gallery and start touching all of the art when you are not supposed to then you probably get into serious trouble. What if you robbed a bank and the police let you go and keep the money that would just be really crazy.  
Some people just do nutty things on their birthday, but its okay because its their choice. Thank you for listening to my speech.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

My Go Animate Presentation on MIlk

by Lenleigh by Lenleigh on GoAnimate
Today I tried out this very cool application called Go Animation. We learnt how to choose backgrounds and choose our own characters. It was very fun. Then we learnt how to do our voices. Then we were all done.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

How long is your Mintie Wraper

In room 5 we measured how long our  Mintie wrappers were. The longest one was JT's one. His one was the longest. His one was 81 cm so he came first. Kalo's wrapper came second her one was 73 cm. But the other students had measured there wrappers and it was in there 50's or 40's. But one person got 32 cm that was Samantha. Her one was the shortest. Three people got the same length of there mintie wrapper. they had 53 cm. Those three people were Von, Saveu, and Martha.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Room 5's favourite colours- SPX

The favourite colour out of all the colours was red and the least favourite was yellow pink and purple. The same number of people who chose red was sixteen. Just one person person each chose a different colour.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

My Venn Diagram on comparing Glen Innes and Panmure

This is my Venn Diagram on comparing Glen Innes and Panmure. We found out that were a lot of similarities between Glen Innes and Panmure. I would rather live in Panmure because it has lots of outdoor parks and fields full of pretty flowers.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

My comment to Dezarae

I commented on this persons blog because I thought that it would be fun to tell her or him some more facts about pikopiko. I really liked the picture of the pikopiko. Here is the link to her blog.

Feleti's Birthday

Feleti’s Birthday
The story is about a little girl who goes to her next door neighbour’s house. She tells the little girl about the stories of the old ladies husband. The old lady made a Samoan treat called  Paifala and made some lemon tea. She said she didn't put any sugar in the tea because she was trying to eat and drink healthy. She said the Samoan treat reminds her of Samoa. She said that her husband  worked at the plantation with the vegetables and the fruits in Samoa. But the husband died because of diabetes. After that the little girl went back home. Screenshot 2014-05-08 at 11.54.56.png

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

My comment to Malia

I commented on this persons blog because I thought that she had a nice long piece of work.  

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

My comment to Saveu

I just commented on Save's writing. I wanted to comment because I liked the way she  put speech marks and full stops. I just love her piece of writing. I thought that her piece of brilliant work was good and full of lot's of interesting word's.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Bloging Presentation

This is my presentation on being a cyber smart learner. My goal this year is to stay on task and visit the website that my teacher to visit from the class site.