
Friday, 5 December 2014

My trip to Sylvia Park Manaikalani Film Festival

Sylvia Park Film Festival Trip  

On a cloudy day St Pius went to the 7th annual Manaiakalani Film Festival at Sylvia Park Hoyts Cinemas to watch some movies that were made by different schools.   
The first thing we did was when the bell rang we lined up in our school hall. After that we had to find our soul friends so we could sit next to them on the bus. It was very noisy when we left school. Some of us were laughing really loudly and the other half of room 5 were talking.   

It was raining when we were on our way to Sylvia Park.The bus trip through the tunnel was very fascinating because the lights were very colourful. When we arrived at Sylvia Park we saw half of our school waiting for us so we could go into the cinemas. Our whole school had to line up with our soul friends into two long lines. We were walking past all of these  shops. The shop that I went pass was SMIGGLE. I like that shop because it has colourful watches and nice smelling rubbers which smell like strawberry. Then we had to go on the escalator so we could go upstairs to the cinemas. Then we got to the cinema.     

We had to wait for our class to be called in. We followed the other classes to our seats.The chairs were very comfortable. We saw lots of teachers some principals and students from other schools.They were wearing different coloured uniforms.The screen was enormous. When we found our seats we had to wait until one of the principals from one of the schools said the rules when the presenters presented there movies. Then the movies started. When the lights went off it was pitch black.                 

The first movie we watched was Islands by  our school, St Pius.When we saw the presenter for our school who was Deja we were cheering and clapping for our school.Some of us were whistling as well. I like that movie because it had my friend in the movie and it had really catchy music in it. Then there were three other movies that we watched. They were kind of funny, but there was one movie that cracked me up the most. It was called Hunger Games by Tamaki College. That was one of my favourite movies.I liked that movie because it had one of my favorite songs in it. My favourite part in that movie was when the boy got tangled up in his headphones, it was really funny.    

Next was another movie that also made me laugh. It was called Me T.V. It was by Point England Primary.I also liked this movie because there were cool dance moves in it.  My favourite part in that movie was when the kids got teleported into the T.V. Our eyes were glued to the cinema screen. We couldn’t stop watching the movies. After two other movies it was our school again. Our movie was called Pay Attention by St Pius. Then after 10 minutes we had to leave the cinemas because we saw all of the movies. All of St Pius were proud of our movies.                   

After that we had to get  into two long lines again. We had to wait for our bus but then it started raining,so we had to go under shelter to keep dry. Most of the school got soaking wet. After about 10 minutes our bus arrived. Then our bus parked and waited for all of room 5 and our soul friends to get on the bus, and we all got on. The whole school had fun in the cinemas. We could hardly open our eyes , but most of us still had some energy for us to talk. Some of us were having fun on the bus but not for our teacher Mrs Middleton. She found it really noisy because the kids who were at the back of the bus kept on laughing and talking very loud. When we were on the bus back to school half of our class were sleeping and the other half of our class were talking.  

Then we reached school.         
When we got out of the bus some of us were really exhausted and sleepy.We walked really slow because we could hardly feel our legs.  We also said thank you to the bus driver. Then we got back to class got our bags then went home. I hope I can go back to the Manaiakalani Film Festival next year.  

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